Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

But that’s got spam in it


Whenever I get a comment from a stranger, I always agonize over whether to approve it. You see, my blog has a moderate first comment rule. The first time you leave a comment, I have to approve it. After that you can comment all you like and it goes straight on to the blog.

I’ve always worried that the spammers would start to hire people to post that first comment and open the floodgates. I had a rummage through my spam queue just now and, apart from finding Tom in there again (every time I look in my spam queue, Tom is in there. Email,blog, whatever – Tom is always in my spam queue. I am thinking of getting a Tom Is Not Spam t-shirt printed) I found two interesting pingbacks.

The first one was from this blog – www.truthfulnews.com – that looks like a real blog but every entry begins

OTB News wrote an interesting post today on
Here’s a quick excerpt…

and then quotes an innocent blogger like me. Would be cool to write a blogbot. It would save me a lot of typing.

I assumed the second one was a blogbot too but the entry for mine:

This side of Nagasaki day 1

A trip to Tokyo complete with raw eggs for breakfast and bottom-squirting toilets.

looks like it was written by a real person.

I looked at few more entries:

Squirt – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Squirt is a caffeine-free citrus-flavored soft drink created in 1938 by Herb Bishop. Bishop created a new carbonated drink that required less fruit and less …

Welcome to the Official Squirtgun Website

01.03.06 – Happy New Year! Flav has been busy finishing up his new solo CD at Sonic Iguana Studios with Mass.

and I spotted a theme. They all have the word squirt in them. Check it out – http://rocky.radiofreemedia.com/squirt.html (WARNING: it’s a web site about squirting. Not safe for minors, miners or mynahs).

How would you like that job?

Someone to google for web sites with the word squirt in them and them summarize them on our blog.