Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: blog

Memories. Of the past, mostly.


Every blog comes to an end eventually and all too many end with a boring, uninspiring post that lingers at the top of the blogger’s home page for evermore like a turd that refuses to be flushed away. I’m sorry … Continue reading

Lost Post. Tears in my beer.


I started a massive post on my love affair with beer last week but my iPad WordPress client ate it.

Still dancing after all these years


I’ll celebrate my thousandth post with a quote from the same song that I quoted in my first. Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky With one hand waving free, Silhouetted by the sea, Circled by the circus sands, With … Continue reading

1984 Starts Here


Orwell’s Diaries have been serialized daily online for the last few years as though Orwell were a contemporary blogger. His diary started with Word War II and each entry is posted on the day it was written but time-shifted 70 years … Continue reading

Get your meds here


A fun way to spend a Saturday – reinstalling wordpress because your blog got hacked.

I Like Like


Facebook’s biggest contribution to civilization is the like button. Before we could like things, we had to decide whether something was 3 stars or 4 stars and I could never decide whether 3 stars meant this is pretty good or I … Continue reading

Proudly Powered by Wordress


I was bored with my wordpress theme and Stu’s fresh look made me decide it was time for a refresh. This is my third theme and I wanted to go right back to basics this time rather than copy an … Continue reading

Don’t Make me Write it Myself


Stu has been complaining again about the lack of a good iPad client for blogging. I have too. I’d blog a lot more if I could do it from my iPad. I keep coming back to the official WordPress client … Continue reading

Welcome, tbwuser4


This, frankly, is what blogging is all about. I love getting comments on my blog from strangers and this one, from tbwuser4, was one of the finest. I am a newbie here! I would like to exhort firsthand friends, debased … Continue reading

Blog post spam


I finally caved under the weight of email spam. Ipad doesn’t have a spam filter and my email provider’s was not very good. I was getting about 50 viagras and “hi! I am sexy girl from Ukraine” and penis enhancers … Continue reading