Don’t Make me Write it Myself
Stu has been complaining again about the lack of a good iPad client for blogging. I have too. I’d blog a lot more if I could do it from my iPad.
I keep coming back to the official WordPress client and it keeps surprising me with how lame it is. I’m now on the hunt for a better one. My needs are modest.
I don’t need wysiwyg but don’t make me mess with HTML tags on an iPad keyboard for heaven’s sake. Markdown or something similar would be excellent.
I don’t need access to every feature of HTML and CSS. I want paragraphs, images, links, block quotes, italics and… That’s it. Sometimes I float my images left and right. It’d be nice to move images around easily without doing battle with the iOS cut’n’paste monster. Images would come from iPad’s photo app or copy paste from the web.
Give me tags, save a draft and preview. I can do all the admin stuff through the web site.
I’d pay money for that app.
If I were dreaming a little, I’d want to paste images in from web sites and upload them to wordpress automatically. I’d want it to be supremely easy to paste links to the sites I reference, maybe even surf from within the app and snag images and links with a quick tap.
Split screen preview would be nice. I’ll type markdown in one panel and see a preview in the other, ideally using my theme.
Is there such an app? Do I really have to write it myself?