Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: video

Moral Instincts Don’t Scale


Excellent idea that I never thought of before… The first half of this bloggingheads video is about Paul Bloom experiments showing how very young babies have a well-developed moral sense. In the second half of the video, Paul & Bob … Continue reading

It’s not what you think


A Harvard economist asked 5000 people how they thought wealth was distributed throughout the United States and then asked how it should be distributed. If wealth were distributed the way that most people think it is distributed, I think the … Continue reading

Acceptable Prejudice


Usual disclaimer: discrimination against atheists is pretty tame compared to the discrimination that blacks and jews and gays have historically faced. It’s not like atheists were ever persecuted or excluded from public office [er, you sure? -ed]. This bloggingheads.tv vialog … Continue reading

The Least Funny of the Marxes


A series of short lectures on religion from my alma mater. Stalin and his gang had found lots of other ways to oppress people that didn’t have any of the fun bits of religion. Or, indeed. opium. Those hilarious people … Continue reading

Power Posing


When TED first popped into the world, you could pick any TED talk at random and it would almost certainly be great. Now it seems like you have to wade through 10 crap ones and 5 mediocre ones to find … Continue reading

The Righteous Mind


Love bloggingheads.tv. Love Jonathon Haidt. Love evolutionary psychology. Inevitable that I would love this. And I did.