Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: Obama

Inane Heath Care Debates


Paul Krugman says that The debate over the public option has, as I said, been depressing in its inanity. and over at the New Majority, David Frum asked his contributors Tens of millions of Americans lack health insurance. Extending coverage … Continue reading

Politically Correct


I’ve lost track… are conservatives for or against political correctness?

The future of the Republican Party


I finally watched both Obama’s speech and Jindal’s rebuttal. Obama was magnificent – it has been a while since I said that – but what was more striking was how stupendously bad Jindal was. I have been reading the commentary … Continue reading

America can be better than it has been


I have read plenty of commentary about the significance of Obama’s election but none have resonated the way this did. Obama’s idea, put simply, was that America can be better than it has been. It can reach beyond post-9/11 anger … Continue reading

Inspire us


Obama made his name by giving great, set piece speeches like the magnificent Walls of Jericho speech at the Ebineezer Church but, since the primary election has been over, he seems to have very consciously toned it down a little. … Continue reading

Who cares what a bunch of scientists think?


During the administration of George W. Bush, vital parts of our country’s scientific enterprise have been damaged by stagnant or declining federal support. The government’s scientific advisory process has been distorted by political considerations. As a result, our once dominant … Continue reading