Time — A Very Short Introduction
It’s not about clocks and calendars. It’s about life, the universe and everything. Continue reading
It’s not about clocks and calendars. It’s about life, the universe and everything. Continue reading
Sometimes I forget the dog’s name. Continue reading
ChatGPT raises questions about what it means to be intelligent. Continue reading
An ethical approach to sustainable farming is the way forward. Continue reading
I smell dog treats ALL THE TIME. My coffee smells of dog treats. My salmon smells of dog treats. Continue reading
In which I discover that I am a dualist after all. Continue reading
I’ve had an idea that answers the question “What are dreams for?” floating around in my head Continue reading
I read a novel a long time ago where the characters played a parlour game at a dinner party. Each player took it in turns to name a prominent work of literature that they had never read and they scored a point for every … Continue reading
If you never take a chance, you’ll never win. Continue reading
I read two articles this morning. The first was about the nature of the activity that we call science. The author uses the example of Anaximander’s realization that the Earth is not flat to illustrate what he believes to be … Continue reading