Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: November 5, 2011

Don’t Make me Write it Myself


Stu has been complaining again about the lack of a good iPad client for blogging. I have too. I’d blog a lot more if I could do it from my iPad. I keep coming back to the official WordPress client … Continue reading

Welcome, tbwuser4


This, frankly, is what blogging is all about. I love getting comments on my blog from strangers and this one, from tbwuser4, was one of the finest. I am a newbie here! I would like to exhort firsthand friends, debased … Continue reading

Google Makes Little Girls Cry


#occupygooglereader is a cry of from the heart of Reader readers everywhere who quietly enjoyed the trickle of articles shared by friends real and virtual on Google’s wonderful RSS Reader. It was a a small feature and I bet no … Continue reading