Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Tag Archives: blog

iPad vs Blogging


I haven’t been blogging much recently – mostly because it is so bloody difficult on the iPad. I absolutely love my iPad but there a couple of things it completely sucks for. It especially sucks for editing. When I blog, … Continue reading

A blog about blogs


I installed a WordPress plugin a couple of years ago called Popularity Contest. It keeps track of all views, comments, ping backs and links and calculates a score for each post. I use it to populate that little highlights widget … Continue reading

The New Clown. Less Ragged.


Strike another one off the list. I have a new theme (alongside the old theme shown for posterity). It’s not finished yet and hardly works at all on Internet Explorer and who knows what it will do on an iphone … Continue reading

Bloggers Paradox


When I haven’t blogged for a while I get a pent up desire to blog something of significance. The more thought I put into that significant blog the less likely I am to actually write it. Which makes me less … Continue reading

Simplify the Tax Code


New Majority is a site for non-crazy conservatives to plan their route back from the wilderness led by David Frum (a former speechwriter for Bush). It’s mostly pretty good and the crazies are (mostly) confined to the comments. Frum asked … Continue reading

Hello Stumblers


How cool would it have been if all these visitors had shown up on my anniversary?

Bloggers Block


Just about every day for the last month I have wanted to blog about something. About half the time I decide that what I want to say is so obvious that it’s not worth saying (Rick Warren, Obama appointments, California … Continue reading

WordPress Wishes


You know what would be a nice idea for a WordPress plugin… As a blogger, I want to reduce the number of clicks it takes to quote and cite an article so that I can blog more efficiently. Here’s how … Continue reading

Quietly now


Top search term for June: clown sex My goal for July is to make it to the top 5 google hits for “mime sex”. Post script. There is a site about Clown Sex. It’s pretty funny. Because clowns do not … Continue reading