Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: May 18, 2008

Feed the Head


After you jump 5 hurdles in a row and feed all the fish, you can make them all yawn. I couldn’t make the worm spit though. Warning! Don’t click unless you have more important things to do. Feed the Head

To save a president’s legacy


There’s an excellent 8 page article in today’s NY Times magazine that chronicles McCain’s stance on the Iraq War. It’s mostly positive – if you agree with McCain’s stance – and, since the liberal media is not doing it’s job … Continue reading

Trying to trick me into sexy talk?


Time for the talk soon. I’m going with this… Get married …buy a house …get properly settled in… furniture and so on… and wait for a bit make sure you eat properly – three hot meals a day. Then just … Continue reading