Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: May 12, 2008

Who heard her first?


Every time I hear a new artist I like, I tell my wife and she says I told you about her ages ago. Then I tell Matt and he says, dude, you should listen to your wife everyone knows about … Continue reading

More dignity…


and…. The price of freedom is tolerating behavior by others that may be undignified by our own lights. I would be happy if Britney Spears and “American Idol” would go away, but I put up with them in return for … Continue reading

Dignity Is a Useless Concept


In which Steven Pinker defends the notion that “Dignity Is a Useless Concept.” Macklin argued that bioethics has done just fine with the principle of personal autonomy–the idea that, because all humans have the same minimum capacity to suffer, prosper, … Continue reading