Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: November 2007

Book Review – Misquoting Jesus


I was really looking forward to reading this since I read an essay that Bart Ehrman wrote on the moment he lost his faith as a Born Again Christian. I was pretty sure Professor Story would appreciate the argument, since … Continue reading

Book Review – The World Without Us


For a long time, I have had a handful of questions that I kept handy in case I ran into a famous scientist but, one by one, I keep finding the answers to my questions. Questions like: “If the primates … Continue reading

No More Heroes Any More


By the time I was Dylan’s age, I had already gone through several heroes – Best, Presley, Nelson, Scott, Cook, Richard the Lionheart. By hero, I mean someone to look up to, to dream of being, to emulate, to inspire. … Continue reading

New Coach


Things are moving along with the plan to bring the earthquakes back. In addition to the council meeting on Tuesday to (hopefully) approve the new stadium plans, the Quakes have hired a head coach. As we mentioned, there’s also something … Continue reading

Who was Uncle Muncher?


I vaguely remember that my first hamster, Uncle Muncher, was named after a cartoon character but I didn’t remember anything more than that until… …through the magic of Google: BOBO BUNNY (early ’70s) Surreal fare for the under eights. Bobo … Continue reading

What’s Your Google Image


I consider it my duty to let my readers know what all the cool kids are doing and, today, the cool kids are doing this. Go to Google Images Search for your full name See that very first picture? That’s … Continue reading