Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: December 2008

Sullivan’s Awards


I gave up on Andrew Sullivan a while ago but I enjoyed reading (and voting in) his tongue-in-cheek awards poll. I especially enjoyed the contrast between the entries for the Hewitt Award and the Yglesias Award and what it says … Continue reading

Grill Problems?


Ever wonder what happens when the inside of your grill gets wet? Google has the answer! http://www.google.com/search?q=what+to+do+if+inside+of+a+grill+gets+wet

I Love Cables


Our 10yr old TV blew up a couple of weeks ago and we had to bring forward the whole HD purchasing decision. I sent the missus out to buy an HDMI cable at Best Buy and she came back with … Continue reading

I see what you are thinking


Imagine that someone could stick your head in an MRI and look into your brain to see what’s going on. Now imagine that, when you look at a particular image, certain patterns show up on the MRI. Maybe a clever … Continue reading