Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: April 2007

A Better Scouting Organization


I might sign my children up with these people since the other lot won’t let us in. They have better badges too. I qualify for this one and this one and – my only level III badge – this one … Continue reading

Feminine Protection


The Tampon Taser Gun. For when the lady in your life needs a little extra protection. The tampon taser/stun gun is the latest in portable and personal security systems. The beauty of this taser/stun gun, aptly named The Pink Stinger, … Continue reading

The Professor and the Bishop


Do yourself a favour. Find yourself a quiet 30 minutes where you won’t be interrupted and watch this discussion between the Bishop of Oxford and Richard Dawkins. It will be the best the thing you have watched this year.



According to Ann Coulter, author of the book Treason, hypocrisy is the one sin that liberals can’t forgive. “For the majority leader of the United States Senate, in the time of war, with soldiers dying on the ground, announcing that … Continue reading

Neither or both?


If there is anything about Quantum Physics that you are unsure about, it will all become clear after you watch this clip.

Sports writing as art


Well played, The Guardian. He and Kaka are the sort of players who prompt comparisons with other forms of art. Music, most obviously. Ronaldo’s mode is allegro molto vivace, with a pronounced fondness for bursts of staccato phrasing via those … Continue reading



I was reading the comments on that Matthew Parris essay in The Times (better than you might think), when I came across this one Apparently, Matthew, your ‘fascination’ with Christianity does not stretch to exploring, discussing or even considering the … Continue reading

It is not true


I liked Matthew Parris even when he was a Tory MP and it was unfashionable to like Tory MPs… I hate ending up in scraps with nice Anglicans and thoughtful Catholics because the Church of England and intelligent Catholicism are … Continue reading

Politicians making medical decisions


Re “A Sharp Turn for the Supreme Court on Abortion” (letters, April 20): I am a rheumatologist caring for a patient whose lupus nephritis is flaring. Her creatinine is rising as her platelet count falls, and she has failed to … Continue reading