Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: March 2007

Real or Parody?


Peanut Butter Man Banana Man Evolution vs Creation (1 of 10) “It is impossible to distinguish creationist argument from creationist parody.”

The Forer Effect


In 1948, psychologist Bertram R. Forer gave a personality test to his students, and then gave them a personality analysis supposedly based on the test’s results. He invited each of them to rate the analysis on a scale of 0 … Continue reading

Global Warming Lacks a Mustache


Ever tried to blog about one of those articles where you want to quote so much of it that it’s easier to just send you readers straight there? NO ONE seems to care about the upcoming attack on the World … Continue reading

Pee Jokes


Imagine, if you were a sonographer taking pictures of people’s kidneys day after day after day and each one of those people had drunk 32oz of water 90 minutes before the appointment, how many pee jokes you would hear in … Continue reading

Every Silver Cloud has a Black Exterior


The company across the street from us, Slim Devices, had an open house yesterday and Rob and I walked over to check them out. Slim Devices sells a product called the Squeezebox that connects – via wireless networking – to … Continue reading

John Bolton vs John Stewart


I just watched John Bolton on The Daily Show and he was outstanding. A very impressive man. It was refreshing to hear someone speak so eloquently on so many topics on which I hold a different opinion. I contrast John … Continue reading

Random Presidents


Gary Trudeau has a quotation – under the heading “Say What?” – under his comic every day. Today’s one is “America has been conducting an experiment for the past six years, trying to validate the proposition that it really doesn’t … Continue reading

Beer: The Best Beverage in the World


I have been going to the weekly presentations at Xerox Parc on and off for several years. This one – next Thursday – looks like the best one yet. Brewing is the original biotechnology. For 6-8,000 years it has been … Continue reading

Dreams of Madmen


“Mythology is where all gods go to die……[usual ranting snipped]…….Everything of value that people get from religion can be had more honestly, without presuming anything on insufficient evidence. The rest is self-deception, set to music.” Sam Harris in the LA … Continue reading