Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: May 2007

Imbewwel daqs bassa


Jeff asked me what this means: grazzi hafna talli gejtu It’s a private joke between my inlaws and me. After we got married in Jamaica, G’s mum laid on a surprise party and invited half of Malta (think: My Big … Continue reading

A Second St George


My wife’s sister’s husband’s nephew has miraculously recovered from devastating liver failure. Dr Dhawan, who is leading research into whether liver cell injections can replace transplants, said: “There was a 90 per cent plus chance that he wasn’t going to … Continue reading

Spiritual Atheists


I feel a bit silly now. I didn’t realize that Chris Hedges’s argument (that I just posted about) ran to three pages. I only read the first page. Now I realize that Chris Hedges is really me. I must have … Continue reading

Religion is not tribalism


I have always thought that Sam Harris overdoes his ‘religion is responsible for all the ills of the world’ pitch but it’s not often that I agree with his critics as much as I agreed with Chris Hedges in a … Continue reading

When dinosaurs and men walked side by side


The new Creation Museum opens next week. People from Kentucky must be very proud. The Creation Museum, opening May 28, 2007, presents a “walk through history.” Designed by a former Universal Studios exhibit director, this state-of-the-art 60,000 square foot museum … Continue reading

Missed it


I had planned to celebrate the first anniversary of my blog. But I missed it. Here’s what I blogged about over a year ago today. I never imagined I would keep it up for this long. Well done me.

You’re saying it wrong


Nice interview with Dawkins in The Times. Good line: “I don’t think you and I disagree on anything very much but as a colleague of mine said, it’s just that you say it wrong.”

Those fanatical atheists


Quote of the day: Private, quiet faith is one thing. But when the guy holding the launch codes believes the end of the world could come any day and that’s a good thing, those who believe lives are limited to … Continue reading