Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: January 2007

The Persistance of Memory


The Guardian gets a lot of stick but, every now and again, they have some extremely fine writing. Here’s some. Now we seem to think every terrorist attack puts us in the same rank of suffering as the generations of … Continue reading



I came across this word today. Ignosticism is the view that the question of the existence of God is meaningless because it has no verifiable (or testable) consequences and should therefore be ignored. It’s a nice word. Many of my … Continue reading

Teach the Controversy


Excellent Doonesbury over at Slate today about the global warming controversy and the dioxin controversy and ….

What’s that you say General?


I have been outrageously busy for the last couple of weeks so I have not been keeping up with the news but, last night, I finally caught up with my Jim Lehrer’s New Hour watching and…it was disturbing. One of … Continue reading

Terry Jones is a very funny man


He is also very good when he is serious as he is in his occasional op-ed pieces that he writes for The Guardian. Like this one. Early this year the Bush administration is to ask Congress to approve an additional … Continue reading

Spammer’s Irony


I wonder if a spammer would appreciate the irony that I am getting loads of comments to my entry A Pyramid of Spam saying “Thanks! I will spread this among my friends!”.

The Brights


A long time ago, Bob asked Maybe. I have to learn more about the brights. Is there a good website? but I did not notice because I had not subscribed to his comments. Let that be a lesson to all … Continue reading