Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: September 2006

Opposition to Misguided Wars Considered Harmful


It’s true enough that, for more than 30 years, the left has not infrequently suffered from “Vietnam syndrome”–the assumption that any military engagement will be a moral disaster and a potential quagmire. But, though it has been less examined, the … Continue reading

False Memories


I subscribed to a bunch of science blogs a while back and there are at least 3 a day that are so fascinating that I want to blog about them. I have a huge backlog already. The only solution is … Continue reading

Increasing Personal Security


The Onion was ahead of its time – from back when conservatives still thought that Bushcroft was one of them. The Fourth Amendment, which long protected citizens’ homes against unreasonable search and seizure, was among the eliminated amendments. Also stricken … Continue reading

Constraining vs Enabling


In the software profession, where I earn my living, there is a lot of discussion about the relative merits of constraining attitudes vs enabling attitudes. Martin Fowler introduced the idea. The basic gist is that many social problems – and … Continue reading

Where can we go that’s warm?


Scott Adams’ reason for coming to California is remarkably similar to my own. It was the worst snow storm in New York for about a million years. It took me about an hour to walk the half mile to work … Continue reading

Why Would Johnny Want to Code in BASIC?


This article in Salon mourns the death of BASIC. Only, quietly and without fanfare, or even any comment or notice by software pundits, we have drifted into a situation where almost none of the millions of personal computers in America … Continue reading

Turning the Corner


Peter Beinhart at the National Review sees some corner turning going on too. He suggests that the last time a political party was able to pretend that America’s national security interests were exactly the same as the ruling party’s interests … Continue reading

There is still hope for them


Just when you thought the pubbies had completely lost their souls – up pops McCain, Graham, Warner and Collins to show that they are not all maniacs. It makes the contrast with the rest of ’em all the more stark. … Continue reading

Shark Jumping


The chasm is full of sharks. You can’t cross the chasm without jumping the shark.

No Neutral Ground


John Wilkins wonders when atheism began. Over a number of beers, the discussion turned to the question when it became possible to be an atheist. De Sade lived at a time when public atheism was just beginning its run. Prior … Continue reading