Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: August 10, 2006

Nothing to read


I was in a very bad mood when I woke up this morning and my mood got even darker when I glanced I at my books-waiting-to-be-read pile. I like to read something while I sit down with my cup of … Continue reading

The First One is still the best


I can’t get the hang of the blogging business. Is it better to leave comments on their blog or write a counter-blog of your own? Maybe you should blog then comment on theirs with a link back to yours? But … Continue reading

Moderate Majority?


In my RSS feed this morning, I have three blog entries from otherwise normal-seeming people who suggest that maybe it’s somewhat unusual to invade foreign countries without a really good reason. There was mine, of course, and Ron’s – it … Continue reading