Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: January 29, 2009

Sorry, Mr Limbaugh, Sir


BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: We’d like to welcome to the microphone Georgia congressman Phil Gingrey, who ended up being quoted yesterday by Jonathan Martin and somebody else at Politico.com.  Congressman Gingrey asked to come on the program today to address that … Continue reading

By the contents of their underpants


I’m against the prez on this one. Obama told her story over and over when he campaigned for president: How Ledbetter, now 70, spent years working as a plant supervisor at a tire factory in Alabama. How, when she neared … Continue reading

They prolly earned it


“There will be time for them to make profits, and there will be time for them to get bonuses. Now’s not that time” President Obama branded Wall Street bankers “shameful” on Thursday for giving themselves nearly $20 billion in bonuses … Continue reading

Fresh air


There has been a lot of talk on the interwebs about whether the people who authorized torture should be prosecuted or whether we should just forget the whole thing. On conservative blogs, they talk of how torture is not only … Continue reading

Happy New Year!


Bruce Sterling: As 2009 opens, our financial institutions are deep in massive, irrational panic. That’s bad, but it gets worse: Many other respected institutions have rational underpinnings at least as frail as derivatives or bundled real-estate loans. Like finance, these … Continue reading