Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: November 20, 2008



The blogosphere is positively throbbing with indignation over Kathleen Parker’s column in the post where she coined a lively new phrase for the branch of the Republican party that most troubles the rest of us: To be more specific, the … Continue reading

It’ll pay for itself


Remember the Iraq War? Now that Bush and Maliki have agreed on the timetable for withdrawal that amounted to surrender back when democrats supported it, Andy McCarthy, in the Nation Review, suddenly notices that INCONVENIENT FACT: THE IRAQIS DON’T LIKE … Continue reading

Your choice


Skepticblog is usually pretty good. Like this post about the Shermer’s trip to a TED-alike conference in Mexico. Then the evolutionary biologist David Barash spoke about redirected aggression, recounting a story about how when his horse kicked his dog, his … Continue reading