Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: September 26, 2008

Jim Lehrer for President!


I just watched two deeply impressive men who finally lived up my hope for a respectable campaign. This is the first time since I arrived on these shores that I have seen a political debate worthy of the name. After … Continue reading

Flawless Campaign


What’s clear is that the results of the vice presidential experiment are already in. Palin, the “regular citizen,” is running a flawless campaign. Biden, the man of “prudence” and “experience,” is making a fool of himself two or three times … Continue reading

Who cares what a bunch of scientists think?


During the administration of George W. Bush, vital parts of our country’s scientific enterprise have been damaged by stagnant or declining federal support. The government’s scientific advisory process has been distorted by political considerations. As a result, our once dominant … Continue reading

An Unlikely Hero


I have read the story many times (but never in this much detail) and it still amazes me. Who’d’ve thought that, one day, we’d think of John Ashcroft as a hero of the people? Gonzales, in an attempt to persuade … Continue reading

My cringe reflex is exhausted


Adding to my previous list of conservative cheerleaders whose early enthusiasm has turned to disappointment, here’s Kathleen Parker at NRO: It was fun while it lasted. Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all … Continue reading

McCain Wins!


I have a new found respect for McCain. He won the debate before it even happened! At least, the ad that the McCain campain put in today’s WSJ thinks he did. Quick. Someone one ask him what the stock market … Continue reading

The Saga Continues


I wrote Think of a Number before the talks collapsed – my imagination was not nearly wild enough. It’s hard to keep up  , but here’s where I think we are at… Paulson limited the meeting to one demo and … Continue reading

Need a break from politics?


Warning. People of african, jewish, european or asian descent or the children or the descendents of any of these groups will find this video offensive. If you watch it at work, they’ll fire you. Possibly for laughing too loud. The … Continue reading