Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: February 19, 2007

Underlined in Red


There should be a law against web sites that underline words, make them blue or change color when you mouse-over them unless they are actually, you know, links.

A Night on the Town


For the second time since our children were born, my lovely wife and I ditched the little ones and had a night out alone…and what a fantabulous night it was! Dinner and a movie may not sound like much to … Continue reading

An Uncommon Fine Voyage


It has been my most singular joy this past age and more, to journey with Lucky Jack Aubrey and the good Doctor and to share their tribulations and their triumphs as they endured betrayal, shipwrecks, bereavement and battle intertwined with … Continue reading