Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: October 11, 2006

Evidence for Levitation


Bob suggests that my belief in the possibility of flying by concentrating very, very hard, is not reasonable because there is strong evidence against the claim of flying but while I admit that there is no evidence either for or … Continue reading

If atheists could fly


Bob quotes John Stuart Mill any one who feels it conducive either to his satisfaction or to his usefulness to hope for a future state as a possibility, there is no hindrance to his indulging that hope” (Mill 1874: 210). … Continue reading



I believe that every natural phenomenon that can possibly be explained will eventually be explained by science (for large values of eventually) and everything else has no explanation.

What is leftness?


My post about playing Space Invaders with Brain Computer Interface (BCI) inspired an interesting lunchtime conversation. Rob wondered what you would actually think to make the gun turret move left. My answer is that you would think leftness thoughts.

Waiter! There is soup in my soup!


I have subscribed to way too many science blogs. I’d drop some them but then I’d miss out so much good science. Like this experiment on a bottomless bowl of soup. Dr. Wansink is particularly proud of his bottomless soup … Continue reading

Next-Generation Joysticks


According to the Neurophilosopher a patient with epilepsy was fitted with a BCI2000, a device that monitors brain activity, to monitor his seizures. Because the patient was required to remain connected to the BCI until he had a seizure, engineers … Continue reading