Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: July 26, 2006

UN not so bad after all


I want to address Rob’s comments to my previous post more fully by quoting from Robert Wright’s contemporary analysis from March 2003. Rob makes two related claims: It’s true that we didn’t know for sure whether or not Saddam had … Continue reading

Huxley’s Island


Jeff and I pair-read 1984 and Brave New World a couple of years ago. Most people – me included, until my latest reading – seem to miss the point of 1984. ‘1984’ means they are watching you to those with … Continue reading

Diving in History’s Dumpster


I came across this from 2003 It has been a week of some vindication for hawks, but doves are right in denying that their full arguments — about the dangers of preemptive war, fomenting terrorism, destabilizing world alliances, and so … Continue reading

It’s Kinda Chilly


I am blogging from my back yard in the early evening and it’s getting kinda chilly which, if you have just survived 10 days of triple digit temperatures – two of them without power and all of them without A/C … Continue reading

Memory Lane


While searching for a cite to back up the bold assertions in my rant about Andrew Sullivan – i had pangs of guilt that the blog entry I linked to did not support my boldest assertions (still looking) – I … Continue reading