Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: June 2006

Why do they tell us the results ?


A long time ago, I read a book where the main character tries to persuade his dad that he should subscribe to some magazine. He explains to his dad that the magazine aims to educate their readership and to give … Continue reading

Please don’t tell me the results…


… I have the game TiVo’d. This is a standing rule that sports fans understand very well. It’s the not-quite-fans who have trouble understanding. They think they are doing us a favour 🙁 So, not-quite-fans, follow this simple rule to … Continue reading

Outsource the lot of them


The NY Times says that Chief Executives should be outsourced. I don’t think we’ll really have a realistic debate about globalization until journalism and politics are outsourced too.

Healing Metatarsals


I am delighted for Rooney that he’ll be going to the world cup. I am even happier for me because now we are in with a shot at the trophy. It’s hard to know how anyone can beat Brazil but … Continue reading

No degree, no visa


Paul Graham says, If you don’t have a college degree you can’t get an H1B visa, the type usually issued to programmers. But a test that excludes Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Michael Dell can’t be a good one. I’ll … Continue reading

No True Conservative


Andrew Sullivan et al have been using the No True Scotsman defense of conservatism. Today’s  is just the latest in a long series of blogs that attempts to draw a distinction between what a True Conservative believes and what the … Continue reading