Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: January 2010

Mediocre Proud


S’funny. The stuff I am most proud of is the stuff that I am not very good at. Stuff I am genuinely good at I keep to myself but when I have to work really hard to learn something I … Continue reading

Why Darwin?


[Clearing out my drafts folder while I wait for my meeting to start and discovered this. Dunno if it’s any good or why I wrote it.] Splendid wrap up of the Darwin Anniversary last year in the London Review of … Continue reading

They hate us for our freedom


Daniel Larison on anti-jihadism. For most of the last decade, our preference in and out of government has been to deny that U.S. and allied policies had anything to do with jihadist attacks and their ability to recruit and win … Continue reading

Have Safe Sex. Lots of it!


WARNING: Don’t watch this if you are offended by cartoon penises. Definitely not safe for work.

While My Guitar Makes You Weep


Hmmm. This one needs more work… While My Guitar Gently Weeps – Take 1 http://www.raggedclown.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/guitar-weeps.mp3 UPDATE Some recording notes. As always, I did not set out to record a track. I was trying to work on the guitar lead but … Continue reading

The War on Avatar


Daniel Larison is rapidly becoming my favourite conservative and today he takes on a former favourite, Davids Brooks. Brooks’ column today is about The White Messiah This is the oft-repeated story about a manly young adventurer who goes into the … Continue reading