Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: June 2009

Sticking it to the (other) man


Here’s a civic dilemma for you. Santa Clara wanted to set aside some open space for recreation and the general enjoyment of the people and put an initiative on the ballot to raise the funds. It passed. But the California … Continue reading

Let me count the ways


Just how beautiful is everyone’s second favourite planet? The BBC has the answer: a lot.

The Illusion of Time


The Edge has an article describing research into how the brain reconstructs the passage of time from imperfect clues from the senses. This is the problem of temporal binding: the assignment of the correct timing of events in the world. … Continue reading

Liberals are more conservative


If you don’t watch bloggingheads.tv you really are missing out. The basic format is the familiar, two people with opposing views debate but the genius of bloggingheads.tv is that the debaters try to seek common ground rather than score weak, … Continue reading

100 Best Books


It’s customary, whenever someone publishes a list of the 100 best anythings, to go down the list and Complain about the missing entries. Complain about the entries that don’t belong. Take perverse credit for the entries that are there. Without … Continue reading

Green Clown


Peggy Noonan is on form today in the WSJ. America so often gets Iran wrong. We didn’t know when the shah was going to fall, didn’t foresee the massive wave that would topple him, didn’t know the 1979 revolution would … Continue reading

Beyonce for President


Dear All the Single Ladies (all the single ladies), The effect that your – and Beyonce’s – anthem has on you is mesmerizing. With just the merest first few bars you become united in solidarity with your sisters everywhere. If … Continue reading

Structural Solutions


One of the reasons I read conservative blogs rather than liberal ones is to get a different take on the current situation. Most conservative blogs have simply gone off the deep end of criticizing every little thing that Obama does … Continue reading