Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: December 21, 2007

The Road to Utopia leads through Dystopia


According to Paul Krugman in today’s NY Times, In a 1963 essay for Ms. Rand’s newsletter, Mr. Greenspan dismissed as a “collectivist” myth the idea that businessmen, left to their own devices, “would attempt to sell unsafe food and drugs, … Continue reading

Best Teacher I Ever Had


My lovely wife sent me this: Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a lecture about a creature called the cattywampus, an ill-adapted nocturnal animal that was wiped out during the Ice Age. … Continue reading

Sucker for lolcats


Oh! Hai! Every now and then something finds exactly the right spot on my funny bone and I laugh and laugh and laugh. There something about Absurdist Humour in the Monty Python (“Where is that fish?”), League of Gentlemen (“Those … Continue reading