Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Naked in the Woods


I was 15 when all the kids in my neighbourhood snuck into Marten’s Grove at night to go skinny dipping. It was the first time I had ever seen so many girls my own age in the nude. I remember it still.

Marten’s Grove Lido
Photo: Bexley Archives

We were having a fantastic time until we were suddenly lit up by the headlights of half a dozen cars.


We didn’t have time to get dressed. We just grabbed our clothes and ran!

We must have made quite a sight — 20 naked teenagers running naked through the woods. I bet the police guys who chasing us enjoy telling the story too.

Tony, Peter, Claire, Sarah, Sian, Michelle, Kerry, Shaun!
Where are you now?

The Lido at Marten’s Grove

I got a thorn in my foot from running through the woods and it got infected and I had to go to the hospital to have it removed. During the surgery, I was lying there in my underwear and the most beautiful nurse I had ever seen comforted me by softly rubbing my thigh.

It took my mind off the procedure but I’m not sure that her rubbing was exactly in accordance with protocol.