Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: November 2009

Good in Theory


So I had my first guitar lesson last night. Just like shopping for a guitar when you know nothing about guitars, choosing a teacher is tough. Likes the Blues? Check! Pink Floyd? Led Zep? Check? Little bit of theory? Check! … Continue reading

Sorry, Slovenia!


Nicholas Kristoff felt obliged to apologize for comparing The Best Health Care System in the World to Slovenia’s. In several columns, I’ve noted indignantly that we have worse health statistics than Slovenia. For example, I noted that an American child … Continue reading

Science is Weird


John Derbyshire’s cuts to the chase in his commentary on D’Souza’s new book. To judge from the extracts — and of course, if this is the kind of thing that interests you, you should read the whole book — D’Souza seems to … Continue reading

Imaginary Science


Olivia Judson explains that science is not a succession of facts, facts facts and why Rosalind Franklin did not discover the structure of DNA. She had the data. Why didn’t she reach the solution? There are several answers to this; … Continue reading

Conor Friedersdorf 2012


Why I enjoy reading Conor Friedersdorf: That’s why I am sympathetic to the “conservative dissidents,” despite my many policy differences with them. Unlike the base, I don’t think politicians who are squishy on substance did in Republicans. I think what … Continue reading

First, Kill All the Scientists


What should a government do if science shows that its policies are misguided? Why, fire the scientists of course! Professor Nutt was the British government’s chief advisor on the harm caused by illegal drugs and he wrote a paper showing … Continue reading

Something’s a Foot


FrumForum (formerly New Majority) has an article comparing the Republicans circa 2009 with Michael Foot’s Labour party. There are a lot of parallels. In the wake of Labour’s 1979 election defeat, the party entered into a period of prolonged crisis, … Continue reading