Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: April 2009

The Myth of Evil


I have been keeping bookmarks of the many, many blogs about the torture memos over the last few days meaning to summarize them but, ultimately, I decided the whole thing was too depressing and I let the whole sordid business … Continue reading

Sad and Red


Dear Mr Ferguson, I am very happy that the reds are back on top of the table despite the recent poor run of form. I am also delighted that we are in the semis of The Champions League.  The League … Continue reading

Ross v Heather


BloggingHeads.tv has captured the market in political debate where the debators actually listen to one another and address each others points. They sometimes even agree! Gasp! I gave up listening to atheist vs believer debates a while back as they … Continue reading

Maybe I should have quit?


Richard Armitage on the Bush administration’s decision to depart from the Geneva Conventions.

Simplify the Tax Code


New Majority is a site for non-crazy conservatives to plan their route back from the wilderness led by David Frum (a former speechwriter for Bush). It’s mostly pretty good and the crazies are (mostly) confined to the comments. Frum asked … Continue reading