Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Daily Archives: October 4, 2008

The Iron Lady


It’s a strange kind of world when I come over all nostalgic for Thatcher. The comparisons come flooding in to my mind. Why don’t American presidents – or candidates – ever face the public like this? America has lowered the … Continue reading

Harm, Fairness, Loyalty, Respect and Purity


According to Johnathon Haidt at The Edge, our morality springs from five universal principles that are present in every society: Preventing harm Promoting fairness Being loyal to your group Respecting authority Desire for purity To illustrate these principles, the Mousetrap … Continue reading

The Robots are Coming


An excellent Ted to watch with your kids if you want them to go to MIT rather than Berkeley or if they like Robot Vacuums.