Ragged Clown

It's just a shadow you're seeing that he's chasing…

Monthly Archives: October 2015

Government payroll exploded under Obama


Actually, no it didn’t. The federal government under Obama employs fewer people than at any time in the last fifty years. Does that surprise you? Bonus question: why does the federal government grow so much under Republican presidents?

No Dirty Tricks


My son made me watch the Democratic debate this week (a first!) and I’m glad I did. What a contrast to the Republican debate! I love to read the reviews of debates like this and, more than any other time, I … Continue reading

Memories. Of the past, mostly.


Every blog comes to an end eventually and all too many end with a boring, uninspiring post that lingers at the top of the blogger’s home page for evermore like a turd that refuses to be flushed away. I’m sorry … Continue reading